Improving the Work Life of people living with chronic illness / disabilty

Download your free masterclass on running a successful chronic illness friendly business

"The Six Secrets to Success"

Supporting business owners / employees with chronic illnesses

At Excel against the Odds (EatO), I believe in supporting people with chronic illnesses to have successful careers and businesses

I strongly believe that everyone should have the fundamental right to either run their own business or work as an employee, regardless of their health status and that their health and wellbeing should be a top priority.

Public Health England state that 1 in 3 of the working age population in England report having at least one condition and it is believed that by 2030, 40% of the working age population will have at least one longterm health condition. It is imperative that people with chronic illnesses are supported in as many ways as possible to enable them to earn a living.

I am a Steering Board Member for the Lilac Review - a Government backed programme looking at tackling the inequalities faced by disabled entrepreneurs.

Photo of Sarah wearing a black flowery dress with long hair smiling at the camera
Photo of a desk taken from above with two laptops, a couple of notebooks, a candle and a bunch of pink carnations

Advising Organisations on Disability Inclusion

Disability Inclusion and Accessibility should be a fundamental part of an Organisation's diversity, equity and Inclusion strategy

With 20% of the working age population living with a disability and 1 in 3 living with a long term health condition, it is important that organisations have the right strategy to support employees living with these conditions.

Employers need to consider how they support their employees to stay in the workplace. If steps are taken early enough, it is possible to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and reduce turnover. It will also secure their position as a leader in Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.


Supporting People with Chronic Illnesses

For Employers, Employees and Entrepreneurs

Excel against the Odds is comprised of three parts. The first one is Entrepreneurs against the Odds, where I offer one to one mentoring, a free Facebook community and the Chronic Empowerment Hub which is supported by Lloyds Bank.

I also mentor employees that are living with chronic illnesses in Employees against the Odds and will soon be launching the Chronic Empowerment Hub for Employees to support them in working and living well with a chronic illness.

The third part is for Employers where I advise corporate organisations on how to best support their employees with chronic illnesses. Please see below for more details.

How I can help you


I fully support existing and aspiring business owners to work within the confines of their illness and successfully run their businesses. I am a business and chronic illness mentor providing advice and guidance on how to best run a business while also protecting the health of the business owner


I am here to provide support for employees with chronic illnesses who wish to pursue a successful working life, without compromising their health. This can be done through mentoring one-to-one sessions and can also tie in with the support that I can give to their employers


I guide and encourage organisations to be fully supportive of their employees with disabilities / chronic illnesses, whilst raising awareness of the benefits of employing people with long term illnesses. This can be done in a number of ways including looking at disability strategy, training, workshops and mentoring

Awards / Featured:

  • Steering Board Member of the Lilac Review - a government backed project tackling the inequalities faced by disabled entrepreneurs

  • Small Business Britain Mentor

  • F:Entrepreneur #ialso 2023

  • Small Business Sunday Winner

  • Purple Tuesday Ambassador

  • Small Biz 100 2021

  • Kent Women in Business Finalist 2024

  • Huffington Post

  • Smiley News

  • Motability Lifestyle Magazine

  • The Table Read

  • Be Your Own

  • Woman Magazine

"What really set Sarah apart was her genuine empathy and understanding when answering the questions of a very intrigued audience and a lasting impression has certainly been made on a lot of people according to the feedback we received afterwards. Sarah's knowledge, compassion and ability to communicate effectively made for a very valuable experience that has inspired many of our colleagues to consider the practical solutions that Sarah suggested and to learn more about inclusivity in the workplace. We will look forward to working together again in the future."

Connor Heeley -NHS Professionals

A photo of a tablet with an imge of Sarah wearing a coral cardigan smiling at the camera


Look after your wellbeing with this Business Self-Care Checklist

Whether you're an Entrepreneur or an Employee, it is imperative that you look after your health. This handy checklist will help you to prioritise your well-being which will in turn benefit your health, your family and your work


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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